The board leads the association. It is in charge of the finances, responsible for provisioning of the infrastructure for projects and the fruition of orders of the general assembly. Furthermore the board fulfills certain tasks as specified in the statement of duties. The board accepts responsibility for issues that are not specified in the bylaws nor the statement of duties of any association organ.
- Name: Sebastian Krone
- Nick: Bastian
- Mail: bastian (ät) piratde (dot) de
- Twitter: @BastianBB
- Name: Michael Sinclair
- Nick: mickjosi
- Mail: mickeyy_sinclair (ät) yahoo (dot) de
- Twitter: @mickjosi
- Name: Thomas Gaul
- Nick: Thomas1G or ThomasG
- Mail: thomas (dot) gaul (ät) piratenpartei (dot) de
- Twitter: @Thomas1G