Monat: <span>Januar 2015</span>
Monat: Januar 2015

Invitation to the Pirate Assembly

Dear Pirates, Pirates without Borders would like to invite you to the ordinary Pirate Assembly in Prague on Saturday 28th February. The venue is the Head Quarter of the Czech Pirate Party. The address is: Řehořova 19 Praha 3 – Žižkov 13000 We will start with the assembly at 1PM CET. Please send any motions to until February 13, 2015 at the latest. Follow the link to see the Agenda. The definite agenda will be published on February 14, 2015 and sent by e-mail. Further details, including leisure programme, will also be sent by e-mail. We plan to have the following programm for the PA Weekend: Friday, Febraury 27th …

What was and what is to come

Since its the beginning of a new year (for which, of course, we wish you only the best), we, the Pirates Without Borders Board, also thought it fit to think a little bit about last year as well as the coming one. What was 2014? For us, the board, 2014 was the first year of our two-year term. Elected in March, we did not merely take over leading positions, but a complete relaunch of the organisation. Apart from the fact that the board changed completely, with none of the former members applying again, we also used the general assembly in Munich this year to replace the statutes with a completely …

Report from the Marina Kassel

Introduction Pirates without Borders was invited by the national Board of the Pirate Party of Germany to their national board meeting in Kassel, to the «Marina Kassel». Pirates without Borders was represented by Denis Simonet and the Board Member Moira Brülisauer. Link to more Infos about the event: Date: 8th and 9th of November 2014 Venue: Youth hostel „Jugendherberge Kassel“ Budget: Pirates without Borders spent EUR 190 on this representative task Report Denis and Moira arrived in the late evening on Friday 7th November in Kassel, checked in and joined the social get-together in the bar «Cuba Club», where they met many of the attendees in an informal atmosphere – …